Saturday, November 12, 2011

Vintage-like fabric

Picture it: Tye, Texas--the 1960s-ish... My Granny in her kitchen... The cabinets were Avacodo Green, the countertops a bright orange, when you opened a cabinet- the shelf paper was covered in brown and orange mushrooms. It was super groovy, to say the least. I grew up in that house, the house my daddy grew up in. My room was my aunt Elaine's old room. (it was still Merkel Badger Gold until I was about 12 or 13. hahaha. Dad bought the house from my grandparents, so my poor mom had to deal with the 60s decor until she changed it a few years later.
Friday, while browsing the fabric in Joanne's I came across THE most groovy vintage-look-a-like fabric that I have seen in a while! It reminded me soooo much of my granny's kitchen (and later my mom and dad's kitchen). Well, needless to say, I had to purchase a yard of it. I really want to make myself an apron out of it, but I am a bit sewing challenged. So, from some of the fabric, I decided to make myself a mug rug. I heart these little mug rugs! And because I love mushrooms so much, I decided to make myself a drink coaster as well.

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